A mentoringnak eljött az ideje

A mentoring segíti a mentorált karrierjét, fejlődését, saját útjának megtalálását, miközben a mentor saját maga is fejlődik, tanul, a szervezet, a környezet pedig harmonikusabban működik, mert javul az emberek megértése és elfogadása egymás iránt.

Friss topikok

2015.05.19. 09:24 isocrates_coaching

"How to build a successful mentoring program..."

mentor_you_kep.jpgAn interesting paper for the nonprofit sector, mainly for youth mentoring though it is so comprehensive that the organisers of every type of mentoring schemes could profit from it. As I have just peeped in it, it is a thorough, detailed analysis of any type of mentoring schemes, starting with the selection of the subject, the target audience (both for the mentors and menthes), and then come the training of the said chosen group, how to monitor it, and so on, and so on...

Some  points to consider for the adaptation: it is some 10 years old (there are no such turmoils in every year, therefore t's just still so relevant as it was 10 years ago), it's for the US and it mentions a CD with additional materials which is not so easily available, I think... Taken these into consideration and provided you are commissioned in a way to make something with a somewhat similar project, enjoy and use as much as you could...

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